Searching headers to use in cycript

You can access pretty much everything from cycript. Which means if you create a cydget lockscreen it has access to all of this.

First you will need Apple's header. If we don't know their code, we can't do anything. Here is some headers for iOS7. iOS7 Headers. A lot of headers to go through. Each works with a specific task.

Today we will look at SBUIController. The goal we are trying to achieve is battery percent.

With the header open we will look for anything with a (+) In obj-c this means it is a class method.
If one is displayed, which sharedInstance is. We can start our ssscript.

[[SBUIController sharedInstance]  ]  We have our header followed by sharedInstance. Now we need to look for a method to do with battery percentage that has an (-) next to it.  (-) is for an instance method.

Not to much further down we see -(int)batteryCapacityAsPercentage;

If we run [[SBUIController sharedInstance]batteryCapacityAsPercentage] in our cydget or while in cycript it will display our current battery percentage.

Example for cydget would be.

<script type="text/cycript">

var batterypercent=[[SBUIController sharedInstance]batteryCapacityAsPercentage];



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